Heart Opener+Santosha Yin Yoga Sequence

Santosha. Contentment. Sense of ease and enough-ness. The below sequence will focus on opening the heart space and stepping into the direct, immediate experience. Be right here, right now. Sounds simple right? Just remember that the nature of the mind is to think so it is completely natural for your attention to drift going into the past or the future. A great technique from Pema Chodron is to label your thoughts as thinking in a kind and compassionate way. Then redirect your attention back to the breath and to the present moment. One of my favorite ways to focus my attention is to utilize a mantra. On the inhale breath in “So” and on the exhale breath out “Ham” (it sounds more like hum). This simply means “I Am That”. 

Supta Baddha Konasana- Reclined Butterfly with Heart Opener 


Butterfly your knees and bring the soles of the feet together. Use a bolster, strap and two blocks for underneath the knees. Utilizing props allows your muscles to relax so you can hold the posture longer. Create a loop with the strap going behind your hips and underneath the feet. Tighten it until it is gently hugging in. 

Targets hips and opening the front side of the body.  

3-5 minutes

Counterpose: Slide props to side and wind shield wipe your knees from side to side.  


Half Saddle with Heart Opener 


Start sitting up with legs out in front. Bending at the bring the heel back towards the hip. Slowly lower your torso down onto a bolster. Option to place a blanket underneath the ankle if there is too much pressure. If you experience ANY pain the knee then slowly back out. Option to sit up and back on the heels in a kneeling position instead. Arms overhead can open the shoulders and intensify the stretch on the hip flexors.

Targets quadriceps and hip flexors 

3 minutes on each side (6 minutes total) 

Counterpose: relax in savasana and then bring the knees into the chest


Anahatasana- Melting Heart Pose 


Come to table top position- shoulders over wrists, hips stacked over knees. Start to walk your hands forward extending the arms out. Bring your forehead to the ground. Option to reach the chin to the ground to deepen the stretch. Keep your hips over the knees. Elongate through the spine and allow the chest to melt towards the ground. If it bothers your shoulders, try moving the arms further apart or extending one arm out at a time & allow the other arm to rest underneath the forehead (just remember to switch sides!)

Benefits- gentle back bend for the upper & middle back, opens shoulders & heart opener 

3-5 minutes

Counterpose: Childs Pose  


Viparita Karani


Legs Up the Wall

Practice anytime for stress relief

Bring your hips close to the wall and lower down onto your side. Swing your legs up and scoot closer if you need to. Remember there is no pretty way of getting into this pose but once you’re there, you’ll be thankful. This is a gentle inversion (getting the feet above the heart) and great if you’ve been standing or sitting all day. Option to place a bolster on top of the feet for added weight or a blanket underneath the hips. Feel free to do this pose any time that you feel tired or stressed even if it is just for 3 minutes. 

Benefits: relieves stress & tension and is extremely accessible

Stay for 3-10 minutes

Pause in fetal position (knees bent, head supported by arms) before sitting back up to avoid an adrenaline rush


Sama Vritti Pranayama  


Lotus Mudra

Connect to an open heart

If time, add in a few minutes of breath work! Sama Vritti or equal breathing is thought as a soothing, calming and centering practice. Inhale to a count of 4, pause at the top and exhale to a count of 4. You may need to shorten or lengthen the count, however, make sure the inhale and the exhale are the same.  Option to add in the lotus mudra. Bring the base of the palms together, connect the thumbs together and the pinkies together. Bring the thumbs to your heart. This mudra opens the heart chakra and is a symbol of purity. 


Emily Jacobs